The Institute for Policy Analysis and Social Innovation (IPS) established in 2010 mainly analyzes regional revitalization issues to provide support for local communities and industries faced with challenges of global economic integration. The Institute is involved in advanced and innovation studies which are jointly conducted with local research activities aimed to create policy recommendations for regeneration in local communities and industries. In addition, the University of Hyogo strives to serve as the gateway towards linking local communities with various individuals, industries, and non-profit organizations in and outside of Japan.
The Institute traces its origins from the Kobe University of Commerce and the University of Hyogo Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration (established in 1950 and 2004 respectively).
With challenges arising from global and regional economic integration, the IPS strives to support revitalization of communities through objective policy analysis of the structural changes in society and the economy and the effects on communities faced with declining population size. Against this backdrop of a rapidly changing environment, the purpose of the IPS is to examine regional revitalization issues by conducting systematic and objective research on changes of behavior mechanisms in communities and business management, and by formulating policy recommendations related to the creation of businesses and industries and development of vibrantly rich communities.