日時:2021年2月5日金曜 13:00-17:00
報告者:高橋青天氏 (明治学院大学名誉教授、神戸大学フェロー):“Towards a Theory of the Labor’s Share Fall”
大住康之 (兵庫県立大学政策科学研究所教授):“Structural Change, Service Sector Features, and Aggregate Elasticity of Substitution”,
“Firm Size, Rate of Return on Capital, and Increasing Returns to Scale: The Japanese Financial and Information Communication Service Sectors”
室和伸氏 (明治学院大学経済学部教授):“Automation, Tasks, and Labor Share”,
“Automation, Goods and Labor Market Imperfections, and Labor Share”
三宅敦史氏 (神戸学院大学経済学部准教授): “Structural Change and Evolution of Top Wealth: American Forbes 400 lists, 1990 – 2020”,
“Increasing Returns to Scale and Declining Labor Share in the Information Economy”
稲垣一之氏 (南山大学経済学部准教授) :“Impact of ICT Capital on Labor Share: Evidence from Japanese Service Sectors”